Außergerichtliche Streitbeilegung

Die Europäische Kommission stellt eine Plattform zur Online-Streitbeilegung (OS) bereit, die Sie unter finden. Zur Teilnahme an einem Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle sind wir nicht verpflichtet und nicht bereit, weil wir die direkte Kommunikation mit unseren Kunden vorziehen.


Ein Widerrufsrecht nach §§ 312 ff. BGB besteht für Reiseverträge nur dann, wenn diese Verträge außerhalb von Geschäftsräumen (z. B. bei Ihnen zu Hause) geschlossen worden sind, auch in diesem Fall nur, wenn die entsprechenden mündlichen Verhandlungen, auf denen der Vertragsschluss beruht, nicht auf vorhergehender Bestellung durch den Kunden geführt wurden. Ansonsten gelten die gesetzlichen Rücktritts- und Kündigungsregelungen, die in Ziffer 6.4, Ziffer 9 und Ziffer 11.4 dieser Bedingungen behandelt sind.

1. Vermittlung von fremden Leistungen

Vermittelt Mango Team Co., Ltd. (nachfolgend Mango T genannt) ausdrücklich im fremden Namen Programme anderer Reiseveranstalter oder einzelne Leistungen von Fremdanbietern, z. B. Flüge, Mietwagen, etc., so schuldet Mango T  nur ordnungsgemäße Vermittlung, nicht die Leistung selbst. Das Zustandekommen des vermittelten Vertrages und dessen Inhalt richtet sich nach den einschlägigen gesetzlichen Bestimmungen und gegebenenfalls nach den Bedingungen des jeweiligen Vertragspartners.

2. Vertragsschluss / geschuldete Leistungen
2.1 Mit der Reiseanmeldung (Buchung) bietet der Kunde Mango T verbindlich den Abschluss eines Reisevertrages an. Die Buchung kann mündlich, telefonisch, in Textform oder auf elektronischem Weg (Internet) erfolgen.

2.2 Bei elektronischen Buchungen bestätigt der Reiseveranstalter den Eingang der Buchung unverzüglich auf elektronischem Weg. Diese Eingangsbestätigung stellt noch keine Buchungsbestätigung dar. Der Reisevertrag kommt erst zustande, wenn Mango T dem Kunden eine entsprechende Buchungsbestätigung in Textform übermittelt. An die Reiseanmeldung ist der Kunde bis zur Annahme durch Mango T, jedoch längstens 14 Tage ab Zugang der Anmeldung gebunden.

2.3 Grundlage der Buchung ist die Ausschreibung im Reiseprospekt oder auf der Website, ggfs. modifiziert durch eine Änderungsmitteilung gemäß Ziffer 18. von Mango T bis Vertragsschluss oder eine besondere Absprache mit dem Kunden. Eine solche sollte ggfs. aus Beweisgründen in Textform getroffen werden.

2.4 Vermittelnde Reisebüros sind nicht bevollmächtigt, abweichende oder ergänzende Vereinbarungen zu treffen. Orts- und Hotelprospekte, sowie auch Websites, deren Urheber nicht der Reiseveranstalter ist, sind für die Leistungspflicht unerheblich, soweit sie nicht durch besondere Vereinbarung mit dem Kunden zum Vertragsinhalt gemacht wurden.

3. Datenschutz und ausführendes Luftfahrtunternehmen

3.1 Mango T erfasst und verwendet die Daten des Kunden zur Durchführung der Reise, zur Abwicklung des Vertrags und zur Kundenbetreuung. Will der Kunde keine Werbung von Mango T erhalten, kann er gemäß § 28 Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG) der Verwendung der Daten insoweit widersprechen, auf die Rechte des Kunden nach §§ 34 und 35 BDSG wird ergänzend hingewiesen. Zur Ausübung aller genannten Rechte genügt jeweils kurze Mitteilung unter den in Ziffer 20. dieser Bedingungen genannten Kontaktdaten.

3.2 Die EU-Verordnung Nr. 2111 vom 14.12.2005 verpflichtet Reiseveranstalter, Reisevermittler und Vermittler von Beförderungsverträgen, ihre Kunden vor der entsprechenden Flugbeförderung über die Identität jeder ausführenden Fluggesellschaft zu unterrichten sobald diese feststeht. Soweit dies bei Buchung noch nicht der Fall ist, muss zunächst die wahrscheinlich ausführende Fluggesellschaft angegeben werden. Bei Wechsel der ausführenden Fluggesellschaft nach erfolgter Buchung ist der Kunde unverzüglich zu unterrichten.

4. Kreuzfahrten

Alle von Mango T im Katalog und der Website angebotenen Boote erfüllen die Bedingungen des thailändischen Schifffahrtsregisters und sonstige gesetzliche Vorschriften hinsichtlich ihres Zustandes und ihrer Sicherheitsausrüstung. Im Interesse der Sicherheit kann es in Fällen höherer Gewalt, z. B. bei Havarie oder Motorschaden, zu Änderungen des Reiseverlaufes, Einsatz anderer Schiffe oder Anlaufen des nächsterreichbaren Hafens kommen, worauf vorsorglich hingewiesen wird. Evtl. Gewährleistungsansprüche insoweit bleiben unberührt.

5. Zahlung des Reisepreises / Anzahlung

5.1 Alle Zahlungen auf den Reisepreis sind nur gegen Aushändigung des Sicherungsscheines im Sinne des § 651 k Abs. 3 BGB zu leisten. Pro Buchung wird ein Sicherungsschein über den Gesamtwert der gebuchten Reise, gültig für alle in der Reisebestätigung genannten Personen übermittelt. Er sollte der Reisebestätigung beiliegen, ansonsten wird um sofortige Information gebeten.

5.2 Bei Zugang des Sicherungsscheines beim Kunden ist eine Anzahlung in Höhe von 20%, bei Reiseverträgen betreffend Charter von Schiffen von 25% des Reisepreises unverzüglich zu leisten. Der restliche Reisepreis ist 21 Tage vor Reisebeginn fällig. Erfolgt der Vertragsschluss ab dem 21. Tag vor Reisebeginn, ist der gesamte Reisepreis bei Zugang des Sicherungsscheines sofort fällig.

5.3 Unsere Versicherungsgesellschaft ist: Taksin Consultants & Broker Co., Ltd.

5.4 Stornoentschädigungen, Bearbeitungs- und Umbuchungsgebühren sowie Versicherungsprämien sind jeweils sofort fällig.

6. Preisänderungen

6.1 Mango T ist berechtigt, den Reisepreis zu erhöhen, wenn sich unvorhersehbar für Mango T nach Vertragsschluss die nachfolgend bezeichneten Preisbestandteile auf Grund von Umständen erhöhen oder neu entstehen, die von Mango T nicht zu vertreten sind: Wechselkurse für die gebuchte Reise; Beförderungskosten (insbesondere bei Ölpreisverteuerung); Hafen- bzw. Flughafengebühren; Sicherheitsgebühren im Zusammenhang mit der Beförderung; Einreise-, Aufenthalts- und öffentlich-rechtliche Eintrittsgebühren. Die Preiserhöhung ist jedoch nur zulässig, wenn zwischen Vertragsschluss und Beginn der Reise mehr als vier Monate liegen.

6.2 Der Reisepreis darf nur um den Betrag erhöht werden, der der Summe aller nach Vertragsschluss eingetretenen betragsmäßigen Erhöhungen der in Ziffer 6.1 genannten Preisbestandteile für die gebuchte Reise entspricht. Soweit einschlägige Kostenerhöhungen eine Reisegruppe in ihrer Gesamtheit betreffen, werden sie zunächst auf die einzelnen Reiseteilnehmer aufgeteilt. Je nachdem, welche Berechnung für den Kunden günstiger ist, wird dabei die ursprünglich kalkulierte Durchschnitts-Teilnehmerzahl oder die konkret erwartete Teilnehmerzahl zu Grunde gelegt. Mango T ist verpflichtet, dem Kunden auf Anforderung Gründe und Umfang der Preiserhöhung zu belegen.

6.3 Mango T hat dem Kunden eine etwaige Preiserhöhung unverzüglich, spätestens am 22. Tag vor Reiseantritt, mitzuteilen.

6.4 Erhöht sich der Reisepreis um mehr als 5%, so ist der Kunde berechtigt, ohne Zahlung einer Entschädigung vom Vertrag zurückzutreten. Stattdessen kann die Teilnahme an einer mindestens gleichwertigen anderen Reise aus dem Angebot von Mango T verlangt werden, sofern Mango T diese ohne Mehrpreis anbieten kann. Rücktritt oder Verlangen einer Ersatzreise müssen unverzüglich gegen- über Mango T oder dem buchenden Reisebüro erklärt werden.

7. Nichterreichen der Mindestteilnehmerzahl

Ist in der Reiseausschreibung oder in sonstigen Unterlagen, die Vertragsinhalt geworden sind, eine Mindestteilnehmerzahl festgelegt, so kann Mango T bis spätestens am 22. Tag vor Reiseantritt vom Reisevertrag zurücktreten, falls diese nicht erreicht wird. Falls Mango T in einem solchen Fall vom Reisevertrag zurücktritt, kann der Kunde die Teilnahme an einer anderen Reise verlangen, sofern Mango T in der Lage ist, diese ohne Mehrpreis für den Kunden aus dem eigenen Angebot zur Verfügung zu stellen. Ansonsten erhält der Kunde geleistete Zahlungen auf den Reisepreis selbstverständlich unverzüglich zurück.

8. Wechsel in der Person des Reisenden / Umbuchung

8.1 Bis zum Reisebeginn kann der Kunde verlangen, dass ein von ihm benannter Dritter in die Rechte und Pflichten aus dem Reisevertrag eintritt. Mango T kann dem Eintritt widersprechen, wenn der Dritte den besonderen Reiseerfordernissen nicht genügt oder seiner Teilnahme gesetzliche Vorschriften oder behördliche Anordnungen entgegenstehen. Bei erfolgtem Eintritt haften ursprünglicher und neuer Kunde gemeinsam als Gesamtschuldner für den Reisepreis und die durch den Eintritt entstehenden Mehrkosten.

8.2 Ein Anspruch des Kunden nach Vertragsabschluss auf Änderungen hinsichtlich Reisetermin, Reiseziel, Reiseantrittsort, Unterkunft oder Beförderungsart (Umbuchung) besteht nicht.

8.3 Soweit Mango T eine Umbuchung gleichwohl akzeptiert, wird  wird bei akzeptierten Umbuchungen ein Umbuchungsentgelt von 25,00 € pro Reiseanmeldung erhoben, Namensänderungen werden mit 10,00 € pro Person berechnet.

9. Rücktrittskosten vor Reisebeginn

Bei Rücktritt des Kunden vom Reisevertrag vor Reiseantritt (Storno) kann nach Wahl von Mango T (Mango T trifft diese Wahl verbindlich mit dem Versand seiner Entschädigungsrechnung) eine konkret berechnete Rücktrittsentschädigung oder folgende pauschalierte Rücktrittsentschädigung geltend machen:

9.1 Hotels, Ferienanlagen , Mobilheime, Flug-, Bus- und Bahnreisen

bis 30. Tag vor Reiseantritt: 20%

ab 29. bis 22. Tag vor Reiseantritt: 25%

ab 21. bis 15. Tag vor Reiseantritt: 35%

ab 14. bis 8. Tag vor Reiseantritt: 50%

ab 7. bis 4. Tag vor Reiseantritt: 60%

ab 3. bis 1. Tag vor Reiseantritt: 70%

bei Rücktritt am Reisetag 80%

9.2 Ferienhäuser & Ferienwohnungen

bis 45. Tag vor Reiseantritt: 20%

ab 44. bis 31. Tag vor Reiseantritt: 30%

ab 30. bis 15. Tag vor Reiseantritt: 50%

ab 14. bis 8. Tag vor Reiseantritt: 60%

ab 7. bis 1. Tag vor Reiseantritt: 70%

bei Rücktritt am Reisetag 80%

9.3 Charter von Schiffen / Tourangebot von Mango T

bis 75. Tag vor Reiseantritt: 15%

ab 74. bis 60. Tag vor Reiseantritt: 20%

ab 59. bis 30. Tag vor Reiseantritt: 40%

ab 29. bis 22. Tag vor Reiseantritt: 50%

ab 21. bis 7. Tag vor Reiseantritt: 60%

ab 6. bis 1. Tag vor Reiseantritt: 75%

bei Rücktritt am Reisetag 90%

9.4 Als Stichtag für die Berechnung der obigen Fristen gilt der Zugang der Rücktrittserklärung. Dem Kunden bleibt der Nachweis eines niedrigeren oder gar nicht entstandenen Schadens unbenommen. Dem Kunden wird empfohlen, den Rücktritt schriftlich zu erklären.

10. Versicherungen

Mango T empfiehlt dem Kunden insbesondere den Abschluss einer Reiserücktrittskostenversicherung und einer Versicherung zur Deckung der Rückführungskosten bei Unfall oder Krankheit 

11. Obliegenheiten und Rechte des Reisenden bei mangelhafter Reise

11.1 Wird die Reise nicht vertragsgerecht erbracht, so kann der Kunde vom Reiseveranstalter Abhilfe verlangen. Dieser kann die Abhilfe verweigern, wenn sie unverhältnismäßigen Aufwand erfordert.

11.2 Leistet der Reiseveranstalter nicht innerhalb einer vom Kunden bestimmten angemessenen Frist gebotene Abhilfe, so kann der Kunde selbst Abhilfe schaffen und Ersatz erforderlicher Aufwendungen verlangen. Fristsetzung ist unnötig, wenn der Reiseveranstalter Abhilfe verweigert oder sofortige Abhilfe durch besonderes Interesse des Kunden geboten ist.

11.3 Für die Dauer einer nicht vertragsgemäßen Reiseleistung kann der Kunde einen Anspruch auf Herabsetzung des Reisepreises (Minderung) geltend machen. Dieser Anspruch entfällt, soweit der Kunde schuldhaft unterlässt, den Mangel anzuzeigen.

11.4 Wird infolge eines Mangels die Reise erheblich beeinträchtigt oder ist deshalb dem Kunden die Reise oder ihre Fortsetzung aus wichtigem Grund nicht zumutbar, so kann der Kunde im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen den Reisevertrag kündigen. Zuvor hat er eine angemessene Frist zur Abhilfe zu setzen. Fristsetzung ist unnötig, wenn Abhilfe unmöglich ist, vom Reiseveranstalter verweigert wird oder die sofortige Kündigung des Vertrages durch ein besonderes Interesse des Kunden gerechtfertigt ist.

11.5 Abhilfeverlangen und Mängelanzeige sind bei von Mango T veranstalteten Reisen vom Kunden an die Reiseleitung / örtliche Vertretung von Mango T zu richten (Kontaktdaten in den Reiseunterlagen).

Soweit möglich und zumutbar sind sie an Mango T direkt zu richten (Kontaktdaten in Ziffer 20. dieser Bedingungen und in den Reiseunterlagen), wenn die Reiseleitung / örtliche Vertretung nicht vorhanden oder nicht erreichbar ist.

12. Rechte und Pflichten der Reiseleitung

12.1 Die jeweilige Reiseleitung / örtliche Vertretung von Mango T (Kontaktdaten in den vor Reiseantritt übermittelten Reiseunterlagen) ist während der Reise beauftragt, Mängelanzeigen und Abhilfeverlangen entgegenzunehmen und für Abhilfe zu sorgen, sofern dies möglich und erforderlich ist. Sie ist nicht befugt oder bevollmächtigt, Ansprüche auf Minderung oder Schadensersatz mit Wirkung gegen Mango T anzuerkennen oder derartige Anspruchstellungen entgegenzunehmen.

12.2 Eine Kündigung des Reisevertrages durch Mango T (z. B. bei höherer Gewalt oder bei Unzumutbarkeit der Vertragsfortsetzung durch vertragswidriges Verhalten des Reiseteilnehmers) kann auch durch die Reiseleitung/örtliche Vertretung von Mango T ausgesprochen werden, diese sind insoweit von Mango T bevollmächtigt.

13. Haftungsbeschränkungen für Mango T als Reiseveranstalter

13.1 Die vertragliche Haftung gegenüber dem Kunden auf Schadenersatz für Schäden, die nicht Körperschäden sind, ist auf den dreifachen Reisepreis beschränkt, soweit – ein Schaden des Kunden weder grob fahrlässig noch vorsätzlich herbeigeführt wird oder – Mango T für einen dem Kunden entstehenden Schaden allein wegen eines Verschuldens eines Leistungsträgers verantwortlich ist.

13.2 Die Haftung von Mango T gegenüber dem Kunden auf Schadenersatz wegen unerlaubter Handlung wird, soweit sie nicht Körperschäden betrifft oder auf Vorsatz oder grober Fahrlässigkeit beruht, auf den dreifachen Reisepreis des betroffenen Teilnehmers beschränkt. Bis 4.100,00 € haftet Mango T jedoch unbeschränkt.

14. Haftung von Mango T bei Vermittlung fremder Leistungen

Vermittelt Mango T lediglich einzelne fremde Leistungen (vgl. Ziffer 1.), so haftet Mango T nur für die ordnungsgemäße Vermittlung der Leistung und nicht für die Leistungserbringung selbst.

15. Verspätung, Beschädigung oder Verlust von Gepäck

Gepäckschäden oder Zustellungsverzögerungen bei Flugreisen und sonstigen Beförderungen sollten unverzüglich an Ort und Stelle auch dem zuständigen Beförderungsunternehmen angezeigt und eine schriftliche Bestätigung (z. B. Property Irregularity Report bei Flugbeförderung) herbeigeführt werden, um Anspruchsverluste nach internationalen Abkommen zu vermeiden. Daneben sind weiterhin die Regelungen der Ziffern 11. und 17. zu beachten.

16. Pass-, Visa- und Gesundheitsbestimmungen

16.1 Die Information über solche Bestimmungen durch Mango T bei Buchung bezieht sich auf den Stand zu diesem Zeitpunkt für Angehörige des Staates, von dem aus die Buchung erfolgt, ohne Berücksichtigung persönlicher Umstände, soweit keine besonderen Angaben gemacht wurden.

16.2 Mango T weist ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass jederzeit die Möglichkeit einer nachträglichen Änderung der Bestimmungen besteht. Mango T wird sich im Rahmen seiner Möglichkeiten bemühen, den Kunden von etwaigen Änderungen so rechtzeitig wie möglich zu unterrichten, empfiehlt jedoch, zusätzlich selbst die Nachrichtenmedien zu verfolgen, um sich frühzeitig auf eventuelle Änderungen einstellen zu können. 1

16.3 Der Kunde sollte sich über Infektions- und Impfschutz sowie andere Prophylaxemaßnahmen rechtzeitig informieren; ggfs. sollte ärztlicher Rat zu Thrombose- und anderen Gesundheitsrisiken eingeholt werden. Allgemeine Informationen erteilen Gesundheitsämter, reisemedizinisch erfahrene Ärzte, reisemedizinische Informationsdienste oder die Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung.

16.4 Ergeben sich für den Kunden wegen der genannten Vorschriften Schwierigkeiten, die seine Teilnahme an der Reise verhindern oder beeinträchtigen, so ist er deshalb nicht zum kostenfreien Rücktritt vom Reisevertrag berechtigt, soweit Mango T seinerseits zur Leistungserbringung in der Lage ist und die Schwierigkeiten von Mango T nicht zu vertreten sind. Gegenseitige Ansprüche im Falle eines schuldhaften Verhaltens bleiben unberührt, soweit die Haftungsbegrenzungen in diese Reisebedingungen nicht eingreifen.

17. Anspruchstellung, Ausschlussfrist, Verjährung

17.1 Vertragliche Ansprüche wegen völliger oder teilweiser Nichterbringung oder mangelhafter Erbringung von Reiseleistungen muss der Kunde innerhalb eines Monats nach der vertraglich vorgesehenen Beendigung der Reise Mango T gegenüber unter den unten angegebenen Kontaktdaten geltend machen. Nur bei unverschuldeter Fristversäumung ist eine Geltendmachung von Ansprüchen nach Fristablauf möglich.

17.2 Die in Ziffer 17.1 bezeichneten Ansprüche des Kunden verjähren in einem Jahr, soweit nicht Ansprüche für Körperschäden oder Ansprüche, die auf Vorsatz oder grober Fahrlässigkeit beruhen, betroffen sind. Solche vertraglichen Ansprüche verjähren in zwei Jahren. Die Verjährung beginnt mit dem Tag, an dem die Reise dem Vertrag nach enden sollte.

17.3 Die Mango Team Co., Ltd. ist derzeit gesetzlich nicht verpflichtet, an außergerichtlichen Streitbeilegungsverfahren teilzunehmen und nimmt an solchen Verfahren auch nicht freiwillig teil, weil wir die direkte Kommunikation mit unseren Kunden vorziehen.Nach den gesetzlichen Vorschriften ist jedoch trotzdem der Link auf die Plattform der EU-Kommission zur online-Streitbeilegung anzugeben:

18. Gültigkeit der Angaben in der Ausschreibung

Die Ausschreibung im Katalog bzw. im Internet kann nur die zum Druck- bzw. Aktualisierungszeitpunkt feststehenden Gegebenheiten berücksichtigen und Druckfehler können leider auch bei größter Sorgfalt vorkommen. Bitte haben Sie Verständnis dafür, dass wir Verträge auf der Basis von als unrichtig erkannten Angaben nicht abschließen.

19. Sonstiges

Es gelten ergänzend die gesetzlichen Bestimmungen, insbesondere die reisevertraglichen Vorschriften in §§ 651 ff. des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches (BGB), soweit Mango T als Reiseveranstalter tätig wird und für den Vertrag deutsches Recht anwendbar ist.

Ein Widerrufsrecht nach §§ 312 ff. BGB besteht für Reiseverträge nur dann, wenn diese Verträge außerhalb von Geschäftsräumen (z. B. bei Ihnen zu Hause) geschlossen worden sind, auch in diesem Fall nur, wenn die entsprechenden mündlichen Verhandlungen, auf denen der Vertragsschluss beruht, nicht auf vorhergehender Bestellung durch den Kunden geführt wurden. Ansonsten gelten die gesetzlichen Rücktritts- und Kündigungsregelungen, die in Ziffer 6.4, Ziffer 9 und Ziffer 11.4 dieser Bedingungen behandelt sind.

20. Kontaktdaten

Mango Team Co., Ltd.

252 Moo 6, Sai Thai Muang, Krabi, 81000, Thailand

Telefon: +49 (0) 172 5734164 (Germany)

Telefon: +66 (0) 980134388 (Thailand)


Geschäftsführer: Papichaya Nathoen, Ingo Blanke

Eingetragen beim Department of Business Developement, Ministry of Commerce, Thailand, Corporate Register 0815561001500


1. Agency for third party services

When Mango Team Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Mango T) explicitly mediates programmes of other tour operators or individual services of third party suppliers, such as flights, car rentals, etc., Mango T only provides proper mediation, not the performance or service itself.

The conclusion of the mediated agreement and its content is determined by the relevant statutory requirements and, where appropriate, according to the conditions of each party.

2. Conclusion of contract / Performance provided

2.1 Through the travel application (booking), the customer bindingly agrees with Mango T to close a travel contract. Bookings can be made verbally, by telephone, in written form or by electronic means (internet).

2.2 In case of an electronic booking, the tour operator immediately confirms the receipt of the booking by electronic means. This receipt confirmation does not yet constitute a booking confirmation. The travel contract is closed only when Mango T sends the customer an appropriate confirmation in text form. Anyhow, the customer is bonded to the application not longer than 14 days from receipt of the application until confirmation by Mango T.

2.3 The basis of the booking is the text in the travel brochure or on the website, if necessary, modified by Mango T by an amendment notice pursuant to Point 18, until the closure of the contract or in case of a special arrangement with the customer. In case of possible need for proof, this should be done in written form.

2.4 Intermediary agencies are not authorized to take different or additional agreements. Location and hotel brochures, as well as websites, whose author is not the tour operator, do not have to be respected, if they were not made by special arrangement with the customer.

3. Privacy and operating air carrier

3.1 Mango T collects and uses customer data to organize the tour, for the completion of the contract and for customer service purposes. In case the customer does not wish to receive advertising material from Mango T, he / she may, in accordance with Article 28 of Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), refuse the permission to use of the data; please also note the customers’ rights according to Article 34 and Article 35 BDSG. To exercise all the mentioned rights, it is sufficient to send a short message to the contact mentioned below at Article 20.

3.2 The EU Regulation No. 2111 from 14.12.2005 obligates tour operators, travel agents and mediators of transport contracts to inform their customers before the relevant air transport on the identity of each operating airline once it is defined. In case this information is not available at the moment of the booking, in the meantime the most probable airline must be stated. In case the operating airline changes after the booking, the customer will be informed immediately.

4. Cruises

All vessels offered by Mango T meet the regulations of the Thailand Register of Shipping and other legislation concerning their condition and their safety equipment. In the interest of safety, in cases of force majeure, e.g., average or engine failure, routes may be changed, other vessels may be used or the nearest available port may be visited – this is pointed out as a precaution. Possible warranty claims will not be taken into consideration.

5. Payment of the travel price /deposit

5.1 All payments of the travel price shall be made only upon delivery of the insolvency insurance policy, according to Article 651 k paragraph 3 BGB (German Civil Code). For each booking, an insolvency insurance policy on the total value of the booked tour will be issued and delivered, valid for all participants mentioned in the travel confirmation. It should come together with the travel confirmation, otherwise please provide immediate information.

5.2 Upon receipt of an insolvency insurance policy, the customer must immediately pay a deposit equal to 20% of the total tour price; for boat charter contracts equal to 25%. The remaining payment is due 21 days prior to departure. If the contract is concluded after the 21st day before departure, the full price must be paid immediately after receiving the insolvency insurance policy.

5.3 : Our insurance is Taksin Consultants & Broker Co., Ltd.

6. Price changes

6.1 Mango T is entitled to increase the tour price after contract closure, in case of unpredictable increases for Mango T or new settings of the below designated price components due to circumstances Mango T are not responsible for: exchange rates for the booked travel; transportation costs (especially regarding the oil price, port or airport fees, security fees in connection with transportation, entry, residence and entrance fees regulated by public law). The price increase is permitted only if there are more than four months between the signing of the contract and the beginning of the journey.

6.2 The tour price may be increased only by the amount equal to the sum of all incurred increases in the price components referred to in paragraph 6.1 of the booked trip after the contract closure. Where relevant cost increases relate to a tour group as a whole, they are initially allocated to the individual traveller. Depending on which calculation is more favourable for the customer, the originally calculated average number of participants or the expected number of participants will be used. Upon request, Mango T is obliged to explain to the customer the reasons and extent of the price increase.

6.3 Mango T must inform the customer immediately and not later than 22 days before departure, about any price increase.

6.4 In case of an increase of travel costs equal to more than 5%, the customer is entitled, without any penalty payment, to withdraw from the contract. Instead, the participation in an equivalent journey from the Mango T product range can be required, if Mango T can offer this without an extra charge. Withdrawal or a replacement tour must be explained and/or requested immediately from Mango T or the travel agent.

7. Minimum number of participants

If the travel advertisement or other documents, which have become part of the contract, set a minimum number of participants, Mango T may withdraw from the travel contract not later than 22 days before departure, if that number is not reached.

If Mango T in such case withdraws from the travel contract, the customer may request to join another tour, which Mango T is able to provide without additional cost to the customer from its own product range. Otherwise, the paid deposit will be immediately and fully reimbursed.

8. Change of the person travelling / Booking changes

8.1 Until the beginning of the tour, the customer may request that a third person designated by him/her enters the rights and obligations arising from the travel contract. Mango T may object to the entry in case the third person does not meet the travel requirements or when his/her participation does not meet government regulations or administrative orders. Upon submission, the original and the new customer are both liable for the holiday price and for additional costs incurred by the change.

8.2 After contract closure, the customer has no right to change travel dates, destination, starting point, accommodation or transport (transfer).

8.3 If Mango T accepts a booking change, for rebookings from charter to cruises a fee of 5% of the confirmed charter price applies. In other respects, for accepted rebookings a rebooking fee of € 25.00 per booking applies. Participants’ name changes will be charged € 10.00 per person.

9. Cancellation prior to departure

In case of a withdrawal from the travel contract before departure (cancellation), Mango T may claim a specifically calculated compensation for cancellation or withdrawal (Mango T may decide to send a compensation invoice) or apply following:

9.1 Hotels, resorts, mobile homes, flight-, bus-, and train packages, cruises (not charter):

– until 30 days before departure: 20%
– from 29 to 22 days before departure: 25%
– from 21 to 15 days before departure: 35%
– from 14 to 8 days before departure: 50%
– from 7 to 4 days before departure: 60%
– from 3 to 1 day(s) before departure: 70%

In case of cancellation on the day of departure: 80%

9.2 Vacation rentals:

– until 45 days before departure: 20%
– from 44 to 31 days before departure: 30%
– from 30 to 15 days before departure: 50%
– from 14 to 8 days before departure: 60%
– from 7 to 1 day(s) before departure: 70%

In case of cancellation on the day of departure: 80%

9.3 Charter of vessels

– until 75 days before departure: 15%
– from 74 to 60 days before departure: 20%
– from 59 to 30 days before departure: 40%
– from 29 to 22 days before departure: 50%
– from 21 to 7 days before departure: 60%
– from 6 to 1 day(s) before departure: 75%

In case of cancellation on the day of departure: 90%

9.4 The key date for calculating the above mentioned time limits is the receipt of the withdrawal. It is left up to the customer to prove that the incurred loss was less severe. We recommend the customer to explain his/her withdrawal in written form.

10. Insurance

Mango T explicitly recommends customers to close a trip cancellation insurance and an insurance to cover repatriation costs in case of accident or illness. Compare here

11. Duties and rights of travellers in case of non satisfactory services

11.1 If the journey is not provided according to the terms of contract, the customer may claim compensation from the tour operator. The tour operator may deny the compensation claim if it requires a disproportionate effort.

11.2 If the tour operator does offer assistance within reasonable time limit specified by the customer, the customer can adjust things himself and demand reimbursement of necessary expenses. Formal notice is unnecessary if the tour operator denies corrections or if immediate remedial is relevant to the special interest of the customer.

11.3 For the duration of the failure to produce the contracted travel service, the customer can submit a claim for a decrease of the price (reduction). This claim is void, when the customer culpably fails to report the defect.

11.4 If the journey is severely spoiled due to a disservice, or the continuation of the journey is reasonably not possible, then the customer can terminate the travel contract in accordance with legal regulations. Before that, he must set a reasonable time to allow remedy. Formal notice is unnecessary if remedy is impossible or refused by the tour operator, or if the immediate termination of the contract is justified by a special interest of the customer.

11.5 Compensation claim and notice of defects of tours organized by Mango T Tours must be addressed to the travel guide / local representative of Mango T (see contact details in your travel documents). If possible and reasonable, you can address Mango T directly (see contact details in Point 20 of the terms and in the travel documents), when the tour guide / local representation is not present or unreachable.

12. Rights and duties of the tour guide / local representative

12.1 The respective guide/local representative of Mango T (contact details are provided in the travel documents you will receive before travelling) is responsible during the tour to receive notices of defects, correct claims and provide for remedial action where this is possible and necessary. He/she is not entitled or authorized to accept and approve claims for price reduction or compensation with effect against Mango T.

12.2 The termination of the travel contract by Mango T (e.g., in case of force majeure or unreasonableness of continuing the contract due to behaviour contrary to the contract by the operator), can be pronounced by the tour guide/local representative of Mango T, as far as they are authorized by Mango T.

13. Limitation of liability for Mango T as a tour operator

13.1 The contractual liability to the client regarding the compensation of damages that are not physical injuries, is limited to three times the tour price, as far as

– the damage was not caused by gross negligence or intentionally, or

– Mango T is responsible for the damage caused to the client only through the fault of a service provider.

13.2 The liability of Mango T regarding damages caused by torts, where they are not physical injuries or caused by wilful intent or gross negligence, is limited to three times the total tour price of the affected participant. Anyhow, up to 4.100,00 €, Mango T is liable without limit.

14. Liability of Mango T in mediation of third party services

When Mango T mediates only certain third party services (compare Article 1.), Mango T is liable only for the correct mediation of the service, not for the service performance itself.

15. Delay, damage or loss of luggage

Damage to luggage or shipment delays in air travel and other transportation should be notified on-site to the appropriate carriers and then confirmed in written form (e.g., “Lost Report” at the airport), in order to avoid loss of entitlement in accordance with international agreements. In addition, please also observe the regulations of Point 11 and Point 17.

16. Passport, visa and health regulations

16.1 The information on these regulations by Mango T at booking refers to the state at that time for citizens of the EU member state, in which the booking takes place, without regard to personal circumstances, where no specific details were provided.

16.2 Mango T explicitly points out that there is always a possibility of a subsequent amendment of the rules. Mango T will make all reasonable efforts to inform the customer of any changes as soon as possible, but recommends to additionally follow the news media, in order to be prepared for eventual changes.

16.3 The customer should inform him/herself about infection and vaccination and other preventive measures, and, if necessary, ask for medical advice concerning thrombosis and other health risks. General information is available in health departments, with medical travel experienced doctors, at travel medical information centres, or the Federal Centre for Health Education.

16.4 In case difficulties arise for the customer, in reference to above rules, that prevent or affect the participation in the trip, the customer is not entitled to cancel the travel contract without penalty, when Mango T is able to render services and Mango T is not responsible for the difficulties. Mutual claims in the event of default will not be respected, unless they interfere with the liability limits in these terms of travel.

17. Claim status, preclusion period, prescription

17.1 In case of contractual claims for total or partial non-performance or inadequate performance of travel services, the customer must, within one month after the contractually agreed end of the arrangement, inform Mango T at the contact information below. Only in case of involuntary failure to comply, an assertion of claims after the deadline is possible.

17.2 The customer rights referred to in Point 17.1 will expire in one year, unless there are claims concerning personal injury, or claims based on wilful misconduct or if gross negligence is involved. Such contractual rights shall expire in two years. The period begins with the date on which the journey should end according to the contract.

18. Validity of the brochure information

The information in the brochure or on the internet can only take into account situations and circumstances at the moment of printing and/or updating; unfortunately, even despite the greatest care, printing errors may occur. Please consider that Mango T does not conclude a contract which is based on incorrect data.

19. Miscellaneous

Additionally statutory provisions apply (in particular the travel contract regulations in the Article 651ff of the German Civil Code (BGB), where Mango T operates as a tour operator and where German Law is applicable for the contract).

20. Contact Details

Mango Team Co., Ltd.
252 Moo 6, Sai Thai Muang, Krabi, 81000, Thailand

Telephone: +49 (0) 172 5734164 (Germany)

Telephone: +66 (0) 980134388 (Thailand)


Managing Directors: Papichaya Nathoen, Ingo Blanke

Registered at Department of Business Developement, Ministry of Commerce, Thailand, Corporate Register 0815561001500

1. Agency for third party services

When Mango Team Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Mango T) explicitly mediates programmes of other tour operators or individual services of third party suppliers, such as flights, car rentals, etc., Mango T only provides proper mediation, not the performance or service itself.

The conclusion of the mediated agreement and its content is determined by the relevant statutory requirements and, where appropriate, according to the conditions of each party.

2. Conclusion of contract / Performance provided

2.1 Through the travel application (booking), the customer bindingly agrees with Mango T to close a travel contract. Bookings can be made verbally, by telephone, in written form or by electronic means (internet).

2.2 In case of an electronic booking, the tour operator immediately confirms the receipt of the booking by electronic means. This receipt confirmation does not yet constitute a booking confirmation. The travel contract is closed only when Mango T sends the customer an appropriate confirmation in text form. Anyhow, the customer is bonded to the application not longer than 14 days from receipt of the application until confirmation by Mango T.

2.3 The basis of the booking is the text in the travel brochure or on the website, if necessary, modified by Mango T by an amendment notice pursuant to Point 18, until the closure of the contract or in case of a special arrangement with the customer. In case of possible need for proof, this should be done in written form.

2.4 Intermediary agencies are not authorized to take different or additional agreements. Location and hotel brochures, as well as websites, whose author is not the tour operator, do not have to be respected, if they were not made by special arrangement with the customer.

3. Privacy and operating air carrier

3.1 Mango T collects and uses customer data to organize the tour, for the completion of the contract and for customer service purposes. In case the customer does not wish to receive advertising material from Mango T, he / she may, in accordance with Article 28 of Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), refuse the permission to use of the data; please also note the customers’ rights according to Article 34 and Article 35 BDSG. To exercise all the mentioned rights, it is sufficient to send a short message to the contact mentioned below at Article 20.

3.2 The EU Regulation No. 2111 from 14.12.2005 obligates tour operators, travel agents and mediators of transport contracts to inform their customers before the relevant air transport on the identity of each operating airline once it is defined. In case this information is not available at the moment of the booking, in the meantime the most probable airline must be stated. In case the operating airline changes after the booking, the customer will be informed immediately.

4. Cruises

All vessels offered by Mango T meet the regulations of the Thailand Register of Shipping and other legislation concerning their condition and their safety equipment. In the interest of safety, in cases of force majeure, e.g., average or engine failure, routes may be changed, other vessels may be used or the nearest available port may be visited – this is pointed out as a precaution. Possible warranty claims will not be taken into consideration.

5. Payment of the travel price /deposit

5.1 All payments of the travel price shall be made only upon delivery of the insolvency insurance policy, according to Article 651 k paragraph 3 BGB (German Civil Code). For each booking, an insolvency insurance policy on the total value of the booked tour will be issued and delivered, valid for all participants mentioned in the travel confirmation. It should come together with the travel confirmation, otherwise please provide immediate information.

5.2 Upon receipt of an insolvency insurance policy, the customer must immediately pay a deposit equal to 20% of the total tour price; for boat charter contracts equal to 25%. The remaining payment is due 21 days prior to departure. If the contract is concluded after the 21st day before departure, the full price must be paid immediately after receiving the insolvency insurance policy.

5.3 : Our insurance is Taksin Consultants & Broker Co., Ltd.

6. Price changes

6.1 Mango T is entitled to increase the tour price after contract closure, in case of unpredictable increases for Mango T or new settings of the below designated price components due to circumstances Mango T are not responsible for: exchange rates for the booked travel; transportation costs (especially regarding the oil price, port or airport fees, security fees in connection with transportation, entry, residence and entrance fees regulated by public law). The price increase is permitted only if there are more than four months between the signing of the contract and the beginning of the journey.

6.2 The tour price may be increased only by the amount equal to the sum of all incurred increases in the price components referred to in paragraph 6.1 of the booked trip after the contract closure. Where relevant cost increases relate to a tour group as a whole, they are initially allocated to the individual traveller. Depending on which calculation is more favourable for the customer, the originally calculated average number of participants or the expected number of participants will be used. Upon request, Mango T is obliged to explain to the customer the reasons and extent of the price increase.

6.3 Mango T must inform the customer immediately and not later than 22 days before departure, about any price increase.

6.4 In case of an increase of travel costs equal to more than 5%, the customer is entitled, without any penalty payment, to withdraw from the contract. Instead, the participation in an equivalent journey from the Mango T product range can be required, if Mango T can offer this without an extra charge. Withdrawal or a replacement tour must be explained and/or requested immediately from Mango T or the travel agent.

7. Minimum number of participants

If the travel advertisement or other documents, which have become part of the contract, set a minimum number of participants, Mango T may withdraw from the travel contract not later than 22 days before departure, if that number is not reached.

If Mango T in such case withdraws from the travel contract, the customer may request to join another tour, which Mango T is able to provide without additional cost to the customer from its own product range. Otherwise, the paid deposit will be immediately and fully reimbursed.

8. Change of the person travelling / Booking changes

8.1 Until the beginning of the tour, the customer may request that a third person designated by him/her enters the rights and obligations arising from the travel contract. Mango T may object to the entry in case the third person does not meet the travel requirements or when his/her participation does not meet government regulations or administrative orders. Upon submission, the original and the new customer are both liable for the holiday price and for additional costs incurred by the change.

8.2 After contract closure, the customer has no right to change travel dates, destination, starting point, accommodation or transport (transfer).

8.3 If Mango T accepts a booking change, for rebookings from charter to cruises a fee of 5% of the confirmed charter price applies. In other respects, for accepted rebookings a rebooking fee of € 25.00 per booking applies. Participants’ name changes will be charged € 10.00 per person.

9. Cancellation prior to departure

In case of a withdrawal from the travel contract before departure (cancellation), Mango T may claim a specifically calculated compensation for cancellation or withdrawal (Mango T may decide to send a compensation invoice) or apply following:

9.1 Hotels, resorts, mobile homes, flight-, bus-, and train packages, cruises (not charter):

– until 30 days before departure: 20%
– from 29 to 22 days before departure: 25%
– from 21 to 15 days before departure: 35%
– from 14 to 8 days before departure: 50%
– from 7 to 4 days before departure: 60%
– from 3 to 1 day(s) before departure: 70%

In case of cancellation on the day of departure: 80%

9.2 Vacation rentals:

– until 45 days before departure: 20%
– from 44 to 31 days before departure: 30%
– from 30 to 15 days before departure: 50%
– from 14 to 8 days before departure: 60%
– from 7 to 1 day(s) before departure: 70%

In case of cancellation on the day of departure: 80%

9.3 Charter of vessels

– until 75 days before departure: 15%
– from 74 to 60 days before departure: 20%
– from 59 to 30 days before departure: 40%
– from 29 to 22 days before departure: 50%
– from 21 to 7 days before departure: 60%
– from 6 to 1 day(s) before departure: 75%

In case of cancellation on the day of departure: 90%

9.4 The key date for calculating the above mentioned time limits is the receipt of the withdrawal. It is left up to the customer to prove that the incurred loss was less severe. We recommend the customer to explain his/her withdrawal in written form.

10. Insurance

Mango T explicitly recommends customers to close a trip cancellation insurance and an insurance to cover repatriation costs in case of accident or illness. Compare here

11. Duties and rights of travellers in case of non satisfactory services

11.1 If the journey is not provided according to the terms of contract, the customer may claim compensation from the tour operator. The tour operator may deny the compensation claim if it requires a disproportionate effort.

11.2 If the tour operator does offer assistance within reasonable time limit specified by the customer, the customer can adjust things himself and demand reimbursement of necessary expenses. Formal notice is unnecessary if the tour operator denies corrections or if immediate remedial is relevant to the special interest of the customer.

11.3 For the duration of the failure to produce the contracted travel service, the customer can submit a claim for a decrease of the price (reduction). This claim is void, when the customer culpably fails to report the defect.

11.4 If the journey is severely spoiled due to a disservice, or the continuation of the journey is reasonably not possible, then the customer can terminate the travel contract in accordance with legal regulations. Before that, he must set a reasonable time to allow remedy. Formal notice is unnecessary if remedy is impossible or refused by the tour operator, or if the immediate termination of the contract is justified by a special interest of the customer.

11.5 Compensation claim and notice of defects of tours organized by Mango T Tours must be addressed to the travel guide / local representative of Mango T (see contact details in your travel documents). If possible and reasonable, you can address Mango T directly (see contact details in Point 20 of the terms and in the travel documents), when the tour guide / local representation is not present or unreachable.

12. Rights and duties of the tour guide / local representative

12.1 The respective guide/local representative of Mango T (contact details are provided in the travel documents you will receive before travelling) is responsible during the tour to receive notices of defects, correct claims and provide for remedial action where this is possible and necessary. He/she is not entitled or authorized to accept and approve claims for price reduction or compensation with effect against Mango T.

12.2 The termination of the travel contract by Mango T (e.g., in case of force majeure or unreasonableness of continuing the contract due to behaviour contrary to the contract by the operator), can be pronounced by the tour guide/local representative of Mango T, as far as they are authorized by Mango T.

13. Limitation of liability for Mango T as a tour operator

13.1 The contractual liability to the client regarding the compensation of damages that are not physical injuries, is limited to three times the tour price, as far as

– the damage was not caused by gross negligence or intentionally, or

– Mango T is responsible for the damage caused to the client only through the fault of a service provider.

13.2 The liability of Mango T regarding damages caused by torts, where they are not physical injuries or caused by wilful intent or gross negligence, is limited to three times the total tour price of the affected participant. Anyhow, up to 4.100,00 €, Mango T is liable without limit.

14. Liability of Mango T in mediation of third party services

When Mango T mediates only certain third party services (compare Article 1.), Mango T is liable only for the correct mediation of the service, not for the service performance itself.

15. Delay, damage or loss of luggage

Damage to luggage or shipment delays in air travel and other transportation should be notified on-site to the appropriate carriers and then confirmed in written form (e.g., “Lost Report” at the airport), in order to avoid loss of entitlement in accordance with international agreements. In addition, please also observe the regulations of Point 11 and Point 17.

16. Passport, visa and health regulations

16.1 The information on these regulations by Mango T at booking refers to the state at that time for citizens of the EU member state, in which the booking takes place, without regard to personal circumstances, where no specific details were provided.

16.2 Mango T explicitly points out that there is always a possibility of a subsequent amendment of the rules. Mango T will make all reasonable efforts to inform the customer of any changes as soon as possible, but recommends to additionally follow the news media, in order to be prepared for eventual changes.

16.3 The customer should inform him/herself about infection and vaccination and other preventive measures, and, if necessary, ask for medical advice concerning thrombosis and other health risks. General information is available in health departments, with medical travel experienced doctors, at travel medical information centres, or the Federal Centre for Health Education.

16.4 In case difficulties arise for the customer, in reference to above rules, that prevent or affect the participation in the trip, the customer is not entitled to cancel the travel contract without penalty, when Mango T is able to render services and Mango T is not responsible for the difficulties. Mutual claims in the event of default will not be respected, unless they interfere with the liability limits in these terms of travel.

17. Claim status, preclusion period, prescription

17.1 In case of contractual claims for total or partial non-performance or inadequate performance of travel services, the customer must, within one month after the contractually agreed end of the arrangement, inform Mango T at the contact information below. Only in case of involuntary failure to comply, an assertion of claims after the deadline is possible.

17.2 The customer rights referred to in Point 17.1 will expire in one year, unless there are claims concerning personal injury, or claims based on wilful misconduct or if gross negligence is involved. Such contractual rights shall expire in two years. The period begins with the date on which the journey should end according to the contract.

18. Validity of the brochure information

The information in the brochure or on the internet can only take into account situations and circumstances at the moment of printing and/or updating; unfortunately, even despite the greatest care, printing errors may occur. Please consider that Mango T does not conclude a contract which is based on incorrect data.

19. Miscellaneous

Additionally statutory provisions apply (in particular the travel contract regulations in the Article 651ff of the German Civil Code (BGB), where Mango T operates as a tour operator and where German Law is applicable for the contract).

20. Contact Details

Mango Team Co., Ltd.
252 Moo 6, Sai Thai Muang, Krabi, 81000, Thailand

Telephone: +49 (0) 172 5734164 (Germany)

Telephone: +66 (0) 980134388 (Thailand)


Managing Directors: Papichaya Nathoen, Ingo Blanke

Registered at Department of Business Developement, Ministry of Commerce, Thailand, Corporate Register 0815561001500

1. Agency for third party services

When Mango Team Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Mango T) explicitly mediates programmes of other tour operators or individual services of third party suppliers, such as flights, car rentals, etc., Mango T only provides proper mediation, not the performance or service itself.

The conclusion of the mediated agreement and its content is determined by the relevant statutory requirements and, where appropriate, according to the conditions of each party.

2. Conclusion of contract / Performance provided

2.1 Through the travel application (booking), the customer bindingly agrees with Mango T to close a travel contract. Bookings can be made verbally, by telephone, in written form or by electronic means (internet).

2.2 In case of an electronic booking, the tour operator immediately confirms the receipt of the booking by electronic means. This receipt confirmation does not yet constitute a booking confirmation. The travel contract is closed only when Mango T sends the customer an appropriate confirmation in text form. Anyhow, the customer is bonded to the application not longer than 14 days from receipt of the application until confirmation by Mango T.

2.3 The basis of the booking is the text in the travel brochure or on the website, if necessary, modified by Mango T by an amendment notice pursuant to Point 18, until the closure of the contract or in case of a special arrangement with the customer. In case of possible need for proof, this should be done in written form.

2.4 Intermediary agencies are not authorized to take different or additional agreements. Location and hotel brochures, as well as websites, whose author is not the tour operator, do not have to be respected, if they were not made by special arrangement with the customer.

3. Privacy and operating air carrier

3.1 Mango T collects and uses customer data to organize the tour, for the completion of the contract and for customer service purposes. In case the customer does not wish to receive advertising material from Mango T, he / she may, in accordance with Article 28 of Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), refuse the permission to use of the data; please also note the customers’ rights according to Article 34 and Article 35 BDSG. To exercise all the mentioned rights, it is sufficient to send a short message to the contact mentioned below at Article 20.

3.2 The EU Regulation No. 2111 from 14.12.2005 obligates tour operators, travel agents and mediators of transport contracts to inform their customers before the relevant air transport on the identity of each operating airline once it is defined. In case this information is not available at the moment of the booking, in the meantime the most probable airline must be stated. In case the operating airline changes after the booking, the customer will be informed immediately.

4. Cruises

All vessels offered by Mango T meet the regulations of the Thailand Register of Shipping and other legislation concerning their condition and their safety equipment. In the interest of safety, in cases of force majeure, e.g., average or engine failure, routes may be changed, other vessels may be used or the nearest available port may be visited – this is pointed out as a precaution. Possible warranty claims will not be taken into consideration.

5. Payment of the travel price /deposit

5.1 All payments of the travel price shall be made only upon delivery of the insolvency insurance policy, according to Article 651 k paragraph 3 BGB (German Civil Code). For each booking, an insolvency insurance policy on the total value of the booked tour will be issued and delivered, valid for all participants mentioned in the travel confirmation. It should come together with the travel confirmation, otherwise please provide immediate information.

5.2 Upon receipt of an insolvency insurance policy, the customer must immediately pay a deposit equal to 20% of the total tour price; for boat charter contracts equal to 25%. The remaining payment is due 21 days prior to departure. If the contract is concluded after the 21st day before departure, the full price must be paid immediately after receiving the insolvency insurance policy.

5.3 : Our insurance is Taksin Consultants & Broker Co., Ltd.

6. Price changes

6.1 Mango T is entitled to increase the tour price after contract closure, in case of unpredictable increases for Mango T or new settings of the below designated price components due to circumstances Mango T are not responsible for: exchange rates for the booked travel; transportation costs (especially regarding the oil price, port or airport fees, security fees in connection with transportation, entry, residence and entrance fees regulated by public law). The price increase is permitted only if there are more than four months between the signing of the contract and the beginning of the journey.

6.2 The tour price may be increased only by the amount equal to the sum of all incurred increases in the price components referred to in paragraph 6.1 of the booked trip after the contract closure. Where relevant cost increases relate to a tour group as a whole, they are initially allocated to the individual traveller. Depending on which calculation is more favourable for the customer, the originally calculated average number of participants or the expected number of participants will be used. Upon request, Mango T is obliged to explain to the customer the reasons and extent of the price increase.

6.3 Mango T must inform the customer immediately and not later than 22 days before departure, about any price increase.

6.4 In case of an increase of travel costs equal to more than 5%, the customer is entitled, without any penalty payment, to withdraw from the contract. Instead, the participation in an equivalent journey from the Mango T product range can be required, if Mango T can offer this without an extra charge. Withdrawal or a replacement tour must be explained and/or requested immediately from Mango T or the travel agent.

7. Minimum number of participants

If the travel advertisement or other documents, which have become part of the contract, set a minimum number of participants, Mango T may withdraw from the travel contract not later than 22 days before departure, if that number is not reached.

If Mango T in such case withdraws from the travel contract, the customer may request to join another tour, which Mango T is able to provide without additional cost to the customer from its own product range. Otherwise, the paid deposit will be immediately and fully reimbursed.

8. Change of the person travelling / Booking changes

8.1 Until the beginning of the tour, the customer may request that a third person designated by him/her enters the rights and obligations arising from the travel contract. Mango T may object to the entry in case the third person does not meet the travel requirements or when his/her participation does not meet government regulations or administrative orders. Upon submission, the original and the new customer are both liable for the holiday price and for additional costs incurred by the change.

8.2 After contract closure, the customer has no right to change travel dates, destination, starting point, accommodation or transport (transfer).

8.3 If Mango T accepts a booking change, for rebookings from charter to cruises a fee of 5% of the confirmed charter price applies. In other respects, for accepted rebookings a rebooking fee of € 25.00 per booking applies. Participants’ name changes will be charged € 10.00 per person.

9. Cancellation prior to departure

In case of a withdrawal from the travel contract before departure (cancellation), Mango T may claim a specifically calculated compensation for cancellation or withdrawal (Mango T may decide to send a compensation invoice) or apply following:

9.1 Hotels, resorts, mobile homes, flight-, bus-, and train packages, cruises (not charter):

– until 30 days before departure: 20%
– from 29 to 22 days before departure: 25%
– from 21 to 15 days before departure: 35%
– from 14 to 8 days before departure: 50%
– from 7 to 4 days before departure: 60%
– from 3 to 1 day(s) before departure: 70%

In case of cancellation on the day of departure: 80%

9.2 Vacation rentals:

– until 45 days before departure: 20%
– from 44 to 31 days before departure: 30%
– from 30 to 15 days before departure: 50%
– from 14 to 8 days before departure: 60%
– from 7 to 1 day(s) before departure: 70%

In case of cancellation on the day of departure: 80%

9.3 Charter of vessels

– until 75 days before departure: 15%
– from 74 to 60 days before departure: 20%
– from 59 to 30 days before departure: 40%
– from 29 to 22 days before departure: 50%
– from 21 to 7 days before departure: 60%
– from 6 to 1 day(s) before departure: 75%

In case of cancellation on the day of departure: 90%

9.4 The key date for calculating the above mentioned time limits is the receipt of the withdrawal. It is left up to the customer to prove that the incurred loss was less severe. We recommend the customer to explain his/her withdrawal in written form.

10. Insurance

Mango T explicitly recommends customers to close a trip cancellation insurance and an insurance to cover repatriation costs in case of accident or illness. Compare here

11. Duties and rights of travellers in case of non satisfactory services

11.1 If the journey is not provided according to the terms of contract, the customer may claim compensation from the tour operator. The tour operator may deny the compensation claim if it requires a disproportionate effort.

11.2 If the tour operator does offer assistance within reasonable time limit specified by the customer, the customer can adjust things himself and demand reimbursement of necessary expenses. Formal notice is unnecessary if the tour operator denies corrections or if immediate remedial is relevant to the special interest of the customer.

11.3 For the duration of the failure to produce the contracted travel service, the customer can submit a claim for a decrease of the price (reduction). This claim is void, when the customer culpably fails to report the defect.

11.4 If the journey is severely spoiled due to a disservice, or the continuation of the journey is reasonably not possible, then the customer can terminate the travel contract in accordance with legal regulations. Before that, he must set a reasonable time to allow remedy. Formal notice is unnecessary if remedy is impossible or refused by the tour operator, or if the immediate termination of the contract is justified by a special interest of the customer.

11.5 Compensation claim and notice of defects of tours organized by Mango T Tours must be addressed to the travel guide / local representative of Mango T (see contact details in your travel documents). If possible and reasonable, you can address Mango T directly (see contact details in Point 20 of the terms and in the travel documents), when the tour guide / local representation is not present or unreachable.

12. Rights and duties of the tour guide / local representative

12.1 The respective guide/local representative of Mango T (contact details are provided in the travel documents you will receive before travelling) is responsible during the tour to receive notices of defects, correct claims and provide for remedial action where this is possible and necessary. He/she is not entitled or authorized to accept and approve claims for price reduction or compensation with effect against Mango T.

12.2 The termination of the travel contract by Mango T (e.g., in case of force majeure or unreasonableness of continuing the contract due to behaviour contrary to the contract by the operator), can be pronounced by the tour guide/local representative of Mango T, as far as they are authorized by Mango T.

13. Limitation of liability for Mango T as a tour operator

13.1 The contractual liability to the client regarding the compensation of damages that are not physical injuries, is limited to three times the tour price, as far as

– the damage was not caused by gross negligence or intentionally, or

– Mango T is responsible for the damage caused to the client only through the fault of a service provider.

13.2 The liability of Mango T regarding damages caused by torts, where they are not physical injuries or caused by wilful intent or gross negligence, is limited to three times the total tour price of the affected participant. Anyhow, up to 4.100,00 €, Mango T is liable without limit.

14. Liability of Mango T in mediation of third party services

When Mango T mediates only certain third party services (compare Article 1.), Mango T is liable only for the correct mediation of the service, not for the service performance itself.

15. Delay, damage or loss of luggage

Damage to luggage or shipment delays in air travel and other transportation should be notified on-site to the appropriate carriers and then confirmed in written form (e.g., “Lost Report” at the airport), in order to avoid loss of entitlement in accordance with international agreements. In addition, please also observe the regulations of Point 11 and Point 17.

16. Passport, visa and health regulations

16.1 The information on these regulations by Mango T at booking refers to the state at that time for citizens of the EU member state, in which the booking takes place, without regard to personal circumstances, where no specific details were provided.

16.2 Mango T explicitly points out that there is always a possibility of a subsequent amendment of the rules. Mango T will make all reasonable efforts to inform the customer of any changes as soon as possible, but recommends to additionally follow the news media, in order to be prepared for eventual changes.

16.3 The customer should inform him/herself about infection and vaccination and other preventive measures, and, if necessary, ask for medical advice concerning thrombosis and other health risks. General information is available in health departments, with medical travel experienced doctors, at travel medical information centres, or the Federal Centre for Health Education.

16.4 In case difficulties arise for the customer, in reference to above rules, that prevent or affect the participation in the trip, the customer is not entitled to cancel the travel contract without penalty, when Mango T is able to render services and Mango T is not responsible for the difficulties. Mutual claims in the event of default will not be respected, unless they interfere with the liability limits in these terms of travel.

17. Claim status, preclusion period, prescription

17.1 In case of contractual claims for total or partial non-performance or inadequate performance of travel services, the customer must, within one month after the contractually agreed end of the arrangement, inform Mango T at the contact information below. Only in case of involuntary failure to comply, an assertion of claims after the deadline is possible.

17.2 The customer rights referred to in Point 17.1 will expire in one year, unless there are claims concerning personal injury, or claims based on wilful misconduct or if gross negligence is involved. Such contractual rights shall expire in two years. The period begins with the date on which the journey should end according to the contract.

18. Validity of the brochure information

The information in the brochure or on the internet can only take into account situations and circumstances at the moment of printing and/or updating; unfortunately, even despite the greatest care, printing errors may occur. Please consider that Mango T does not conclude a contract which is based on incorrect data.

19. Miscellaneous

Additionally statutory provisions apply (in particular the travel contract regulations in the Article 651ff of the German Civil Code (BGB), where Mango T operates as a tour operator and where German Law is applicable for the contract).

20. Contact Details

Mango Team Co., Ltd.
252 Moo 6, Sai Thai Muang, Krabi, 81000, Thailand

Telephone: +49 (0) 172 5734164 (Germany)

Telephone: +66 (0) 980134388 (Thailand)


Managing Directors: Papichaya Nathoen, Ingo Blanke

Registered at Department of Business Developement, Ministry of Commerce, Thailand, Corporate Register 0815561001500
